Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two Read online

Page 11

  Within ten minutes, Randall Bettencourt and one other officer appeared on the front porch of the Farouz residence. Lara was now glued to the window watching as Diana Farrington made coffee in her kitchen. "What's going on?" Monique asked, obviously curious. Lara gave her the short version, "That's the guy that was beating his daughter…the officers took her to a safe place, but they've been searching for the father. I think they've found him." Monique was now as fascinated as Lara and asked, "Who's that tall handsome policeman?" Lara whispered, "That's Officer Randall Bettencourt, a former Navy SEAL. He's friends with Ben." Monique watched with Lara as Bettencourt breached the front door, but they came out empty handed after thirty minutes. Lara felt it was only right to share the information with Diana Farrington about what was going on next door. Diana was suspicious all along, but still shocked to hear about the abuse.

  As Lara and Monique left the Farrington residence, the two police officers were walking along the sidewalk obviously disheartened. "Good try, Bett." Lara said in an encouraging voice. Facing the two officers, Lara introduced Monique to Bettencourt and noticed her young intern blush. They chatted for a minute and parted. "You liked him, didn't you Monique?" Lara asked, but she really didn't need to. Monique replied, "Yes, he seems nice." Lara had to ask the obvious question, "Would you go out with him if he asked you?" Monique was silent for a moment then said, "Yes, I would." Lara smiled. "Good, I'll let him know and he will ask you to dinner." Monique was aghast, "No, don't tell him that I like him!" Lara stopped walking and looked into Monique's eyes, "How else do you think he will know, silly, if I don't tell him. When it comes to women, men are as dumb as rocks!" Both women burst into laughter.

  ~ Ben ~

  Within a day, Ben had his new identity as Doctor Malem Hadad. In a week or so, his beard would be partially grown and he carefully prepared the clothing and kit he would bring on the mission. He had already contacted the other Dark Horse Guardians, and all of them would work the perimeter in case his mission went sideways. They would live in rental units just outside the Islam-berg compound. Each one of them would take on a fake identity and be in constant communication with Ben with all of the human intelligence they could gather. Everything was in the preparation stage. There was recon to do and intel to collect before Ben ever approached the gate. This had to be a smooth insertion. A collection of names came to them from the FBI and more intel that was old came from a few CIA agents. However, after reviewing the flash drive information Larson gave to him, it was frightening to think that compounds like this existed without law enforcement in the United States. A nagging feeling that felt more like a warning stayed with him as he plotted the mission. He knew this was dangerous on several levels.

  Meanwhile, he had done a little recon of his own on a private matter. He followed Lara as she made a visit to Eric Henderson's house to meet with the landscape contractor. Sure enough, the tall handsome Grant Hawkins was showered and shaved and dressed to impress his wife. Ben knew Lara did not believe the landscaper was interested in her. She seemed oblivious to it. Ben read her as being all business with him. However, the way the guy looked at his wife made Ben suspicious. He just didn't trust this guy. He had seen plenty of guys gawk at her, but this guy looked at her like he was hungry. It made Ben uneasy. He knew this was part of his Post Traumatic Stress hyper-vigilance and hated the feeling when it overtook him. It was like a steam-roller that he could not stop. He felt an urgent need to protect and defend her. Worse than the hyper-vigilance, was the overwhelming urge to beat the shit out of Grant Hawkins. He made a conscious effort to rein his anger in, but to no avail. It sat like a stone in the pit of his stomach and he didn't dare to discuss it with Lara just yet.

  Lara and Monique swept through the door late in the afternoon and Lara announced that she was setting up a date between Bettencourt and Monique. Ben chuckled, "Ah, the match-maker! She matched her mother up with the perfect guy, Monique. I think she's pretty good at this stuff." Monique was blushing but she said she would be willing to go out for dinner if Ben and Lara went along. Ben smiled, "We'll set it up. Don't worry. Bettencourt is a good guy. I can vouch for him." They decided to try dinner at the Seafood Palace the next night.

  After Monique left, Ben laughed as Lara composed a brief text to send to Bettencourt with Monique's phone number. Ben was glad they'd be having dinner. He wanted Bettencourt to keep an eye on Lara while he was gone. He had a few things to go over with him regarding the move into Clearwater Farm. He also needed Bettencourt to help Lara with her furniture selections. They were currently living in a furnished condo, so very little would need to be moved, but lots would need to be purchased. Besides helping Lara, Ben knew that Bettencourt was dreadfully lonely, to the point of depression lately. He knew if Bettencourt was exposed to Lara’s personality, especially her sense of humor, she could be a tonic for him when he most needed it.

  ~Ali Farouz~

  The white Mercedes SUV zoomed past the Maine State line and headed toward Boston. The sheikh had an opulent penthouse condo on Boylston Street. Ali Farouz was plotting a way to get his daughter out of Maine. Those who interfered with his duties as a father would be punished. He had men who took care of such things. Before leaving Maine, he had given the name of Randall Bettencourt to his men and asked them to capture the officer and rough him up, enough so he’d give up the location of Nadia. But don’t kill him until he tells you where she is. He ordered his men to capture his daughter and bring her to him at the penthouse in Boston immediately.

  The Sparrow Project was moving along as planned. The biologic agents were provided by a Chinese firm and he had to pay a small fortune to get the weapons grade anthrax for the terrorist attack he was planning to unleash on Boston Stadium on September 11th. He had received a call from Abdul Kahn in Pakistan telling him that a Pakistani doctor would be arriving in a few weeks to oversee the anthrax delivery system for the drones. He would be interested to meet this Dr. Hadad. He knew that Abdul would only give him the best man to oversee this important attack. It had to be spectacular.

  He wanted to make sure this strike went according to plan and that thousands of Americans died. This assault would be an extravaganza and would rival New York City's 9/11. He smiled as he imagined thousands of American families sitting comfortably watching a football game and not even knowing they'd be dying within a week. The stupid Americans would not realize they didn't have the flu until it was too late. Then, the YouTube video would be released explaining how he, Ali Farouz, did this for Allah, to weaken America. Killing the infidels was his purpose for living, especially now since his daughter was cavorting with the pigs. Nadia was nothing to him now. She was soiled by the infidels. She deserved to die. It was his duty to honor the family name and kill her. He would have his men bring Nadia to him. No one, not even Randall Bettencourt, would deny him his rights as her father.

  ~ Bettencourt ~

  The text message sent by Lara took Randall Bettencourt by surprise. He was still embarrassed that he stepped on Lara’s foot while dancing with her at the roadhouse. He felt thankful that she took such care dancing with him. There were moments when he wanted to tell Lara everything about himself, but then something inside made him pull back. He didn’t want Ben to think there was anything but friendship between him and Lara. And, that was the truth.

  He imagined if he told Lara about losing Elizabeth to his best friend and the Dear John letter he received while deployed, she would probably tell him to get over it. But deep down he knew that was really the only answer. He had plenty of guys to hang with but he could never talk about his relationship with Elizabeth when he was with them. He ached with loneliness for female companionship. He valued Lara's friendship, but he was at war with himself. He had to overcome the foolish embarrassment that took over whenever he tried to share his personal thoughts with her. And, he instinctively felt if he did open up to her, she could help him heal. It was as if she could read his mind.

  In a burst of enthusiasm he dialed Monique's phon
e number and heard her timid voice answer. He didn't know why he was suddenly tongue-tied and his words awkwardly tumbled out, "Um, Monique, this is Randall Bettencourt – we met on the sidewalk – Lara gave me your number…" Monique was polite and friendly, "Yes, I remember you." He swallowed and suddenly his throat felt parched. "Would you have dinner with me tomorrow night? Ben and Lara wanted to eat at the Seafood Palace." Monique quickly responded, "Sure. I can meet you there. What time?" Bettencourt told her to be there at 7:00 PM and hung up. Well, he had a date, with a really beautiful girl. Hopefully, this would be the turning point for him. His lanky form sprawled on the old sofa he rescued from the dump. It was covered with a blanket to hide the torn upholstery. He finished off the third beer in the six-pack. Once again he was channel surfing. Nothing of interest was on television and, as usual, Bettencourt fell asleep on the tattered couch.

  ~ Grant Hawkins ~

  The first day of demo on a huge landscaping project was always exhausting and challenging. A light rain started to fall mid-way through the day and at Noontime the lovely Lara arrived in her tiny red Fiat. The crew was pausing for their lunch break and simultaneously their heads turned to watch her walk the long driveway toward him as he sat on the tailgate of his truck. He was muddy and wet and filled with self-conscious awkwardness as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. The sandwich he had been eating was all over his face and clothing. He stood to greet her and his tall muscled form towered over her. "Hey, Lara…" His hazel eyes caught hers and held them as he willingly awaited her command. She asked, "How are things going, Hawk?" He stopped breathing when she said his name, loving the way she uttered it and trying not to give himself away. In a straightforward manner, Hawk gave her a brief rundown of the project and watched as she efficiently entered notes on her iPad. Then he asked her to walk around to the backyard to confirm the exact placement of the formal rose garden.

  Hawk had always been nervous speaking to females, especially beauties with brains. But he became happy and chatty in Lara’s presence. Usually he had difficulty forming intelligible sentences in front of women. She was warm, yet businesslike. But when his eyes met hers, it was as if she lit fireworks inside of him. He fought to maintain composure when in her presence but it was difficult. She smelled so damned good and always looked like a runway model fresh off the page of Glamour magazine. No, she was actually more beautiful than a runway model. Lara was shapely, not exceptionally thin. She had a curvy figure with the grace of an athlete. And she wasn't plastered with gobs of make-up. She was a natural beauty. He had examined every inch of her and she was the picture of health with elongated muscles, perky breasts, and a perfect rear end. But his eyes were riveted to her lovely face whenever she spoke. Hawk had never laid eyes upon a face like hers. Was he really this lonely? He found himself questioning his hermit status lately, and made a silent promise to get out more. His conscience kept telling him, she is married.

  As Hawk finished chatting with her about the Henderson Project, she walked back to the driveway and hesitated. Before Lara could open her mouth, Hawk asked her, "Do you want something else?" he couldn't stop the feeling of offering himself to her on a platter. He watched as her rosy lips pursed and she said, "Yes, actually…" Her green eyes locked with his and his pulse raced. She went on, "I've just purchased a property and would love to have you take a look at it, Hawk. It's on the ocean and I want a garden that would be low-maintenance. I love sea roses, like the ones you are installing here…and peonies." Hawk asked her for the address and if he could take a look at it. Checking his schedule on his phone, he offered an appointment two weeks out. "That would work," she said looking at her iPad. "We're moving in right about then…I'll pencil you in and create a reminder to call you." His eyes followed her as she waved goodbye to the crew and got into her car and drove away. Breathless, he sat back on the tailgate of his pick-up truck. "Put your tongue back into your mouth, Hawk!" one of the crew yelled to him. Hawk turned and smiled. "Show's over guys – it's time to get back to work."

  Hawk had no idea his attraction to Lara was so obvious. Even his crew noticed. He hated being obvious. In fact, he prided himself on being a gentleman at all times. The grief counselor told him he was still in love with Ellen even though she had passed away. He knew she was right. Ellen’s clothing remained in his closet; he couldn’t give her personal effects to a local charity. Sometimes he slept with her nightgown laid out on the bed next to him. When he asked the counselor how and when his feelings might change, or if they ever would, she told him, "a woman will come along and you'll just know…you will feel it in your heart." The only thing was -- the counselor didn't tell him it would be a married woman employing him. He forced himself to focus on the landscaping project and moving mountains of dirt around for the rest of the day. But, tonight when he was alone he knew his thoughts would wander back to Lara. Ever since he first met her, he was thinking less and less of Ellen and more and more about Lara. He was already excited and looking forward to visiting her property on the ocean. He'd work diligently to create a design that would please her. He wanted more than anything to please her.

  ~ Eric Henderson ~

  The $300,000 payment Ali Farouz promised Eric appeared in a cardboard box via courier. Cash! $300,000 in cash in a cardboard box. It was waiting for him when he arrived at his office. The receptionist handed it to him not realizing what it contained. He decided to put it incrementally into his account so the deposits would not draw attention. Meanwhile, he put the cardboard box into his office safe. Smiling to himself, he hoped he would be getting more clients like Ali Farouz. But no matter how much money he seemed to accumulate, Eric painfully realized happiness could not be bought. Ever since Lara pushed him out of her life and married the Lieutenant, he couldn't bring himself to get emotionally involved with another woman. There were plenty of on-line dates to keep him satiated sexually, but none of those relationships ever blossomed into love or even friendship. He searched out women who had her features, leggy beauties with long dark hair, but it was never the same. Once the sex was over, he got out of bed, hastily dressed, and made a quick exit. Some women on-line were refusing his requests to hook up. Apparently,they had heard about him from some of their friends. To get fresh sexual partners, he just broadened his territory.

  Lara had trusted Eric and he betrayed her trust in the worst way. But then, Eric, mused he couldn't help himself. He was a liar and cheater and knew he would never change. Some days he followed Lara when she left the pink Victorian only a few blocks away from his home. She never noticed him following as he always stayed far behind and out of sight. Eric felt it was innocent curiosity. He wanted to know what was going on in her life and there was no other way to find out. His uncle, Don, told him to stay away from Lara and refused to give him any information about her. He told Eric point blank, "She's happily married -- suck it up, you lost her."

  Eric gazed out of the huge plate glass window of his office to the parking lot below and noticed Lieutenant Ben Keegan getting off his motorcycle and approaching the building. His heart was suddenly in his throat. His pulse raced. What would Lara's husband want with him? He hadn't done anything out of bounds. He never called her or bothered her. What was the Lieutenant doing at his workplace? Eric's receptionist spoke on the intercom, "There's a Ben Keegan to see you, sir."

  Eric sat behind his desk and put on his best game face as he pressed the intercom button, "Send him up." Within a minute, Lieutenant Ben Keegan was standing against the front of his desk leaning over and staring him straight in the eye. "You know what I'm here about…" Ben murmured with a low growl. Eric feigned ignorance. "I have no idea why you are here." Ben did not break his stare. "You're following my wife, that's why!" Eric remained silent, but he couldn't stop the involuntary trembling that overtook his body. Ben Keegan sounded ominous when he said, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Eric finally looked down at his hands on the desk, "I'd prefer the easy way…"

  Ben walked around the desk and got so close
to his face Eric could smell the mouthwash Ben had just used. Eric thought steam might come out of Ben's ears, but he stood frozen in fear as Ben unleashed a torrent of anger upon him. "Listen you little bastard…if I ever see you following my wife again…or if I ever see you near my wife again, I'll tear you limb from limb and enjoy every sick moment of it!" Instinctively, Eric backed up and almost fell over his office chair. He felt his face flush and his heart was like a drum pounding in his chest. He was experiencing raw fear as Ben Keegan stared without blinking into his eyes. He knew this man meant every word he said and even sensed he was holding back.

  Reluctantly, Eric murmured a weak apology, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Like a drill sergeant, Ben moved closer invading Eric's personal space and yelled in his face, "What did you say? I can't hear you!" After apologizing profusely, Eric felt drained, and he promised to stay away from Lara. But, Eric knew Ben wasn't finished with him yet. Eric felt as if he was looking into the eyes of a mad man as Ben put his face close to his and said in a controlled snarl, "Listen you candy-ass: I wanted to beat you to a pulp when I found out what you did behind Lara's back…and you are lucky that she stopped me then. I still have an uncontrollable urge to snap your neck, so don't forget that, Eric! Stay away from my wife!"

  Eric trembled; only his eyes moved as Ben moved toward the door. The Lieutenant left his office as swiftly as he had entered. Once he heard the elevator descend, Eric walked to the office window and watched Ben as he put on his helmet, mounted the Indian motorcycle and rode out of the parking lot. Although he felt a sense of relief, he couldn't stop the tremors that overtook his body. It was as if he had just looked into the jaws of death when Ben's blue eyes pierced through him. He promptly ran to the private restroom in his office and vomited.