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Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two Page 15

  He had met Cassandra in the bar at the yacht club of all places. She was with another patron but struck up a conversation with him. Her resemblance to Lara was striking and he couldn't take his eyes off her. She must have sensed his attraction as she slipped her business card into his pocket before she left with the other guy. As he watched her long legs and beautiful dark hair exit the building, he wondered what it would be like to make love to her. There had been several conversations leading up to the first time. The first few communiqués were done by phone. She said erotic things to him and he pleasured himself while talking with her. He knew he had to visit her. The first time he went to her apartment, Cassandra had greeted him with a French kiss and proceeded to undress him slowly. She nearly drove him mad. As the Bentley pulled into the hotel-turned-condo parking lot he told the driver to wait. Cassandra would be coming down to join them this time.

  Bounding up the stairs to the second level, he walked around the corner and saw Cassandra sprawled upon a lounge chair on the deck sunning her lovely body. The late afternoon light played upon her profile and his heart stood still for a moment. It was as if he was looking at Lara for a split second. He was embarrassed about the first time with Cassandra. They had made love like savages. In dim lighting he pretended she was Lara. He wanted to take Cassandra to dinner tonight. She had mentioned a wonderful lobster place nearby. He missed the conversational foreplay that he indulged in when with Lara. He loved how Lara tilted her head and laughed at his corny jokes. And, most of all he craved just touching her hand or brushing his leg against hers in the booth at the club. All of the memories of Lara ran through his mind in a split second as he squinted in the sunlight. Then Cassandra noticed him standing there observing her.

  "Eliot …I didn’t hear you arrive, honey." She was squinting and holding her hand above her eyes to look up at him. Her voice was nothing like Lara's but he could get past that. Her green eyes were beautiful and he finally spoke, "Lobster tonight? How about that place you mentioned?" She smiled. Her smile was nothing like Lara's. Cassandra had an all-knowing type of smile while Lara had that girl-next-door innocent smile. "Let me get my purse…" Cassandra disappeared into her unit and Eliot stood on the long wide deck overlooking the expanse of white sand and ocean. It was a bit rustic for his taste but nonetheless a beautiful spot. At one time it was a two-story motel but refurbished now as tiny condos. Cassandra said it was perfect for one person.

  As soon as Cassandra emerged he walked her to the Bentley and they drove along the beautiful coastline of Maine dotted with a mix of sandy beaches and jagged cliffs. The sun was on the horizon now and as Cassandra got out of the Bentley he slipped his arm around her waist. She had a body like Lara's and he enjoyed physical contact with her. Once inside the restaurant they were seated at a table overlooking the bay filled with moored lobster boats and families walking along the beach. The whole scene was awash in the golden tones of the sunset and he ordered two dirty martinis. "Make mine a double," Cassandra insisted, and Eliot nodded to the waiter. She powdered her nose at the table and checked her teeth in the compact mirror. "Well, here we are," Cassandra smiled at Eliot. He couldn’t wait to knock back that first martini. It seemed the more alcohol he consumed, the more Cassandra looked like Lara.

  ~ Ben ~

  Ben had rented a limo and driver so the gang could ride together along the Maine coastline in comfort. It wasn't every day his wife launched a successful business and Ben wanted nothing more than to make this night special for Lara. The drive was spectacular as they drove through tiny towns with less than a thousand people living in them. The homes ran the gamut of old farmsteads to modern day condos with ocean views. The landscape varied from cows grazing in a pasture to all manner of ancient buildings -- Lara pointed out every type of architecture along the way. That was one of the things Ben loved about Lara -- she was so easy to please. Taking her on a ride through a rural coastal area was exciting for her, especially with her mother and Rusty, Don and Olivia Henderson, and Bettencourt and Monique. The whole crowd was chatty and alive with positive energy.

  After about an hour's drive, they pulled into the parking lot and filed into the rustic building. The Lobster Trap was filling up quickly. The tourists were piling in tonight and Ben inhaled the familiar smell of salt air, melted butter and fresh seafood cooking. Their early reservation allowed them to linger and enjoy the evening and the glorious sunset view. An enormous wrap-around deck held an outdoor bar and people sat there to enjoy the view, get a drink and wait for a table. Ben held Lara's chair as she sat down at their reserved spot right near the window. Olivia was smiling, and Don sighed, "God, look at that sunset will ya?" The old Nam vet gazed at the view for a long moment. "No alcohol tonight, Don." Olivia was mothering him; his diabetes was a concern. "Okay, then I'll have a tall drink of water along with a couple of big juicy lobsters!" Rusty and Lillian were drinking ginger ale and watching the families on the beach. Ben noticed Bettencourt was on his best behavior with Monique. Ben winked at him, thinking he'll probably get lucky tonight.

  As was his habit, Ben's eyes scanned the room before he got comfortable. He paused for a moment as his eyes rested upon a figure in the opposite corner of the room. No, it couldn't be him. He focused on the man and woman and immediately recognized Eliot Stone sitting with a shapely young woman who bore strong resemblance to Lara, the girl from the surveillance photos. He only hoped Lara didn’t notice Eliot. Ben was perpendicular to Eliot and made every attempt to block Lara's view. All through the meal he noticed Eliot staring across the room and knew the weasel caught sight of Lara. He hoped to God that Eliot had the good sense to mind his own business and stay put. He didn't want that bastard’s presence to change the dynamic tonight for Lara or for him. A few times during the meal, Ben shot a glowering gaze Eliot’s way as a warning.

  Ben couldn't help but notice that Eliot was touching the young lady just as he had touched Lara; the memory of that made his skin crawl. Eliot would rest his hand upon the woman as if he owned her. Then he'd lean in and whisper into her ear. They sat so close he thought Eliot was going to lay her out right there in the booth. But Ben kept his focus on Lara and their friends as they laughed boisterously.

  Bettencourt was amusing the table, as usual, with his funny police stories. Monique was intrigued with him. Lara was laughing so hard ginger ale almost came out of her nose. Ben loved her laugh, unrestrained and natural, full of life. When the lobsters came to the table there was a riot of hilarity as each person had their own way of opening up the shells to get the delectable meat. Of course they all had to wear bibs and Bettencourt did an excellent impression of a big baby. Monique and Lara were laughing as if they were at a comedy club. It sort of turned into that. Ben, Don and Rusty made their sidesplitting contributions to keep the ladies entertained.

  After a while, Ben noticed that Eliot Stone had slipped out of the restaurant with his stand-in for Lara. And for the first time Ben exhaled a sigh of relief. Lara didn't see Eliot and Ben felt comforted. He didn't want his wife tainted by Eliot's torrid little fantasy with what’s-her-name. In fact, he wanted his wife nowhere near Eliot Stone.

  ~ Eliot Stone ~

  Eliot was filled with anger when he saw Lara and the handsome Lieutenant across the room tonight with friends. How the hell did this strange coincidence occur? And, he had no idea why he felt angry. Cassandra was oblivious to any of it. She enjoyed her meal and flirted with Eliot shamelessly and drank way too much. She had even dared to run her hand up his leg lightly touching his crotch. He laughed but he was observing Lara across the room hoping to catch her eye. Her husband blocked his view intentionally. He caught the look the Lieutenant shot his way once or twice and knew he'd better stay put or there would be trouble.

  Back at the motel-turned-condo, Cassandra was now undressed and wearing a provocative hot pink bra and thong. As Eliot stood before her she unzipped his pants. He stuttered for a moment, "The window, do you want me to close the drapes?" Cassandra whispered, "No, I like i
t open. I want to hear the sound of the waves on the beach. Have you ever done it on the beach, honey?" Eliot couldn't say he had. He couldn't say anything because Cassandra was now kissing him. And, when she wasn't kissing him she was saying erotic things in his ear or sucking on his neck. She pushed him onto the sofa and straddled him. She had undressed him in a hurry and slipped her thong off as he watched her. Eliot was drunk with desire and a few too many dirty martinis. Cassandra did things to him that drove him wild. She gave him a little time to cool off then she came back for more with a vengeance.

  After an exhausting sweaty hour, Eliot was spent. He ran his hand over Cassandra's long dark hair as she rested her head upon his chest. Breathing heavily he was trying to regain his strength and composure. She had drained him. Cassandra whispered, "Next time, honey, we’ll do it on the beach. It's wild." He couldn't even contemplate that right now. He stroked her hair and let his hand travel along the curvature of her back. She had the same shapely rear end that Lara had. But she didn't smell like Lara. And her voice wasn't like Lara's. "You are beautiful…" he whispered to Cassandra. “I want to see you again. Soon.” Fifteen minutes later, Eliot was dressed and he left a thousand dollars on Cassandra's kitchenette countertop. There was no lingering goodbye. She was in a drunken stupor and asleep. With his parting gaze he pretended she was Lara as he softly closed her apartment door.

  On the drive home Eliot replayed the evening over in his mind. The sensual pleasures Cassandra performed were amazing. He never had that kind of sex in his life. His ex-wife wouldn't even do some of those things. And, the women he dated since his divorce were prim and proper. They'd never perform such acts with him. Cassandra moaned and groaned and delivered her delights with such enthusiasm. He wondered if Cassandra had as much pleasure as he did or was she just performing for him? He pushed the thought away and relived the heady pleasures one by one in his mind as he drifted off to sleep in the backseat of the Bentley. He remembered he called Cassandra "Lara" once or twice, but doubted she'd recall. She had consumed a massive amount of alcohol.

  ~ Lara ~

  Lara never had such a fun night out with friends laughing. She was grateful to Ben for making everything so perfect. Even the fresh strawberry shortcake was delicious. As they dropped off the gang, the limo pulled in front of the pink Victorian and Ben tipped the driver generously. They were immediately greeted inside by a very happy English Bull Terrier who needed his evening walk. They quickly peeled off their clothes and got into running gear. Ben slipped the leash onto Einstein and they were strolling through the neighborhood on a silent summer night. Lara squealed, "Look there are fireflies!" She and Ben sat in the porch glider and watched the fireflies after their walk with Einstein. Using the garden hose, Lara had given the canine a big bowl of cold water on the porch. He drank like he'd never seen water before then plopped at their feet heaving his dramatic bull dog sigh.

  She felt Ben's hand on hers, "Did you have a good time tonight?" Lara rested her head on his shoulder, "Yes, the best night of the summer!" She couldn't stop smiling. Then he asked another question, "Lara, would you like to go to Prince Edward Island during the week of the 4th of July?" She bolted upright and looked at him with wide eyes, "Of course I would love to, Ben!" She had seen photos and heard stories about the cottage on the ocean with nine acres of privacy. She couldn't wait to see the place in person. Ben continued as if preparing her, "The cottage is rustic. There aren't many people there on the beach. I don't want you to get bored. Einstein loves it. It was his first home with me." Lara gave him a little smile, "I'd not be bored with you around. My schedule has been grueling. I’d love to have a few days of downtime. I'll have to arrange for Tony and Ralph and Monique to pitch in for those days I will be away." Ben smiled, "When we visit my family in Newton Massachusetts on the 4th of July for the family cookout, I'd like to spend one night there with them, then take Moshe and Rachel along with us to the cottage. It's a hell of a long drive, ten hours to be exact."

  Lara was already on her phone texting Monique and Ralph and Tony to make sure they could cover for her while away. Ben laughed at her enthusiasm, "One more thing…" he hesitated and took a deep breath, "I'd like to ask Sienna if William could join us for a day or two…if you feel comfortable with that." Lara was exuberant in her response, "Yes! That would be great!" She noted the expression of relief on Ben's handsome face. She had been e-mailing William since they'd met last April in Toronto and had developed a wonderful relationship with Ben's nine year old son.

  ~ Ben ~

  Preparations were being made for Ben's entire clan to meet in Newton Massachusetts at his parent's large family homestead. Ben was wondering how his new wife would react when surrounded by his extended boisterous family. As he got to know Lara, he understood she lived a quiet solitary existence as a child and even as an adult. Lara had never celebrated the 4th of July like this, he smiled to himself knowing it would either go very well or very badly. Packing his gear into a rented Cadillac Escalade he realized most of the luggage was Lara's. He watched as she filled suitcases as if she was going to Alaska for an expedition. Ben laughed, "We do have stores on Prince Edward Island, you know…" She was cramming shoes and clothing into a canvas bag. "Oh darlin', you won't need all of that. It's a simple place. All you'll need are flip flops and a bathing suit and a few T-shirts."

  Ben finally convinced her to pare down to one bag and they left early to avoid the pre-holiday traffic, after dropping Einstein off with Professor Harris. Ben thanked his uncle as he stood in the doorway of the old colonial with the ever-present “for sale” sign on the front lawn. "Einstein misses you!" Ben chuckled as he gave his uncle the leash. The English bull terrier whined with excitement to see the professor who had been his dog-sitter for part of his puppyhood. For Ben, it was good to see Harris and Einstein together and happy again. He suspected Harris missed his canine companion. Ben was disappointed that his uncle couldn’t join them for the reunion in Massachusetts, but Harris had a concert to perform for the 4th of July and it was something he did every year without fail.

  Arriving in Newton Ben zipped through the main street turning left, then right, and finally driving along Fieldstone Drive, a long tree-lined street. He parked in the driveway of an enormous green and purple Victorian with a wrap-around porch. Lara's eyes lit up, "Oh Ben, it's lovely!" He knew she'd like the architecture because she always gushed over Victorians. But this Victorian wasn't renovated, it was nearly all original. What money his parents had went into raising and educating seven children. Although Ben didn’t grow up in poverty, his father had been the sole support of the family and they lived on a tight budget.

  Seeing the old homestead flooded Ben’s mind with memories of his childhood. Going to work with his father when he was five years of age. That was his first memory. He wanted to be like his dad – tough, stoic, manly, a protector and defender of doing the right thing, a man of honor and respect. As he walked toward the house, Ben took a quick mental inventory of how he’d measured up to his father, but realized that his life had taken such a different path than his dad’s. They shared the same values and many character traits, but Ben knew that his life experiences were vastly different from his father’s. And, even though some of those experiences were terrible, they also served to toughen him up while at the same time making him softer. Ben compared himself to a piece of leather: tough and durable; the more abuse endured the softer and more pliable it became. However, the strength remained, even though the leather took on lines and imperfections and lost its shiny luster, it never lost its durability.

  What Lara didn't know was that his SEAL team had arrived earlier and were boozing it up in the backyard planning to spend the night. As he walked Lara through the house he spent his childhood in, he watched her eyes light up, "I want to see your bedroom, where you slept as a boy." Ben grimaced and knew he would have to go through the narrative of his childhood, which was boring to him. But to make Lara happy, he took her upstairs to the last bedroom on the left. Th
e twin bed he slept in as a boy was still there with the same coverlet from Ireland. Many items in the room harkened back to his Irish roots. And, he laughed to himself as he watched Lara touch a blarney stone and a framed four-leaf clover and a tattered teddy bear. Embarrassed, he wondered why his mother saved all of these things.

  Ben silently observed Lara as she went through the room which now served as a tiny museum dedicated to his life. She scrutinized every certificate and first prize ribbon on the wall. She read them off aloud, "Track and Field, Martial Arts, Honors for every subject imaginable. Your mother kept all of these – amazing!" She picked up each framed photograph and Ben briefly recounted the story behind it. One photograph of Ben with a beautiful dark-haired girl intrigued her. But, Ben plucked it out of her hand and soon she was distracted by the noise in the backyard. Ben's old bedroom overlooked the expansive lawn dotted with mature oak trees. "What's going on out there?" Lara glanced at Ben quizzically. "Oh, let's go see," Ben pulled her by the hand as he dropped their luggage in the room.

  As Ben walked Lara down the back staircase to the porch, there they were -- his SEAL brothers – and Ben cheerfully embraced them. Gus and Linda came from Newport Rhode Island, Nate and Susan from Springfield, Elvis and Jessica from New Britain Connecticut, Tom and Amanda from East Hartford, Jake and Wendy from Manchester New Hampshire. To add to the fun, Ben's siblings had arrived; Seamus from Ireland, along with Grace, Anna, Mary, and Megan with their respective husbands. And, to Ben's delight, Moshe and Rachel had just pulled into the driveway.

  There were children of various ages running all over the yard and a tiny plastic swimming pool with about two inches of water held several toddlers. The men were rough housing with the older children on the grass. Ben wasn't sure what game they were playing but it looked like the scary monster routine. For Ben, the scene looked like something out of a demented Norman Rockwell painting, and he suddenly realized it was much different than Lara's peaceful solitary childhood. He hoped she wouldn't be overwhelmed by it all.