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Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two Page 16

  ~ Lara ~

  Lara was immediately drawn to Jonathan Keegan, Ben's handsome father, who was busily cooking on the grill with the help of his wife. She felt his gaze sweeping over her then his azure blue eyes met hers; he smiled revealing laugh lines and wrinkles. He embraced her tightly as if Lara were the most important person in the world to him, and his hug instantly reminded her of Ben and the way he held her. Lara found Jonathan Keegan to be good-natured and he immediately made her feel comfortable. He waved his hand in a grand gesture, "We have everything here imaginable to eat, Lara. Help yourself to whatever you want. We just keep cooking food and putting it out. There's no rhyme or reason to it." Then he said something that made her smile. He whispered in her ear in a low soft voice, "You are happy with Ben…I can tell." Lara blushed unexpectedly but she maintained her composure as she replied, "Oh yes very happy…is it that obvious?" Ben's father smiled. "I can see it in your face." Jonathan Keegan looked her over from head to toe once more and said, "You are glowing."

  The women suddenly surrounded Lara and were all talking at once. They asked her intimate questions about Ben and their life in Maine. Did he cook for her? Was he thoughtful? These women were assertive, not shrinking violets. They spoke openly about their own lives and avoided the topic of their husbands' mysterious absences from time to time. The children were the center of their universe especially when dad was away. If Lara didn't know better she would've thought they were all related. The SEAL wives were as close to Ben's sisters and parents as the rest of the family. Their humor was sometimes dark but amusing nonetheless. At times they teased one another relentlessly. Lara ate a whole bowl of potato salad and started on the barbequed chicken which was the most delicious she had ever tasted. Watching Jonathan Keegan at the grill she realized where Ben got his cooking skills.

  Before the real fireworks show started the SEALs were smoking cigars and lighting sparklers. They coached the children into singing a unique rock 'n roll version of the Star Spangled Banner played on a speaker with an iPod. Lara wondered if these guys would be comfortable with the sounds of the fireworks, seeing as they had just spent the better part of a decade in combat. However, they were far enough away from the action to make it a comfortably dreamlike scene. Before the fireworks started, Lara got a chance to meet each of the SEALs and was fascinated with the stories they shared about Ben. Although they teased him relentlessly, she witnessed the immense love they had for him. She wanted to spend much more time with the SEALs, as she realized they were a wealth of information about her mysterious husband.

  Ben finally had to pull Lara away from his SEAL team. It was 9:00 PM and pitch black. Everyone was exhausted by the time the 4th of July fireworks actually started. The babies and toddlers had been napping. They had a perfect view of the show from the Keegan's backyard. Their home sat upon a crest and overlooked the area where the fireworks display was set off in Abercrombie Field on Watertown Street. It was picture postcard perfect. Lara reclined in a padded lounger with Ben and loved it when he brushed his lips against her forehead and held her hand. She rested her head against his chest and watched the multi-colored sky show with all the pops and whistles. Ben nibbled her ear, and he whispered with his lovely Irish brogue, "I love you, darlin'." Lara had never had a 4th of July like this and she loved it. Her heart momentarily ached as she compared Ben’s normal, wonderful childhood filled with brothers, sisters and friends to hers, filled with solitude and a dark secret.

  Breakfast the next morning was a backyard buffet and the same grill was now fitted with a pancake griddle. Jonathan Keegan winked at Lara, "Best grill I ever had." The SEALs and their families had spent the night in sleeping bags and tents. Ben’s siblings and their families filled the rest of the bedrooms. Lara was thankful she had the twin bed to sleep in with Ben even though it was a tight squeeze she could tell he enjoyed it. The SEAL team had set up a solar shower bag hanging in an oak tree in the backyard. They cleverly created a privacy curtain which consisted of a tarp with rope running through grommets surrounding the shower area. The toddlers got a bath in the kiddie pool. As Lara and Ben sat on the back porch with Moshe and Rachel they watched the families packing up for the long drive home. Lara knew she'd be in the Cadillac for the extended trip to Prince Edward Island with Moshe and Rachel, so she concentrated on saying goodbye to each family member as they left. Lara was thankful to have had the experience of a 4th of July celebration with Ben's family. Being with them gave her more insight into the man she married.

  Lara noticed Ben had spent the entire morning on and off the porch catching up with each of the former SEALs on his team. She knew these were Dark Horse Guardian conversations, intermittent private chats. Once Ben's sisters and their families were leaving, Jonathan Keegan put his arm around Lara and gave her a little squeeze. "It'll be all right, darlin'…when Ben goes away. He'll come back." It was the same Irish brogue. He sounded exactly like Ben or Ben sounded like his father. It seemed Ben's father also had the same telepathic powers to read her deepest thoughts and emotions. He perceived the worry running through her mind. Lara smiled and said, "I know things will work out."

  Lara spent time talking with Ben's parents and his brother, Seamus. Excitedly she told them all about Clearwater Farm and their upcoming moving plans a few weeks away. She was bubbling with enthusiasm as she told them about the little bungalow Ben secured for her new renovation business and showed them photos of both properties on her phone. Ben's mother was especially pleased, "Oh, that's lovely, dear. You have a wonderful little nest for your business. And, when you have children, you can bring the baby to work with you. That will be fantastic!" Lara hadn't thought that far ahead but realized Ben's mother was right. Now that she had the bungalow and some privacy, she could bring a baby with her to work. It flashed through her mind, the scene of her nursing their baby. One of the offices could become a nursery for her infant while she worked there. As quickly as the domestic images flitted through her mind, she dismissed them for the time being. A baby! What was she thinking?

  Hugging and kissing Ben's parents, Lara and Ben got into the Cadillac with Moshe and Rachel to begin the long ride through Maine to Prince Edward Island. They decided to break up the driving between them so they would not get fatigued. Rachel had a wonderful simplicity about her that Lara found refreshing. No make-up and no fancy clothing, she was just down to earth. She braided her long dark hair and laughed at everything Moshe said. Lara enjoyed Moshe's company, too. He was smaller than Ben but made up for it with his personality. He had many of the same characteristics that Ben had, except his dark hair was thicker and his eyes were as black as coal. When he smiled his face was lined and creased by the sun. He had an intriguing accent and Lara could listen to him talk for hours. He's highly intellectual, Lara observed, no wonder Ben is best friends with him.

  Another man who caught Lara's interest at the 4th of July celebration was Ben's older brother, Seamus. Several times throughout the visit she noticed Ben and Seamus off to the side talking and when they left Seamus handed Ben a small valise that appeared to be locked. Ben tucked the item into the spare wheel well of the SUV and covered it over with other items. Lara got to speak separately with Seamus and her first impression of him was that he loved Ben as much as she did. He did not speak of his role in the Dark Horse consortium, but he did say that he "managed" things for Ben.

  Seamus had an MBA from Babson, the same school Eric Henderson attended. And, the two men probably attended the school at the same time. She finally got up the nerve to ask him if he knew Eric. The moment she mentioned the name, Seamus looked away. He hesitated before answering, "Aye, I know him. Do you know this rogue?" Lara replied Eric was more of an acquaintance than a friend. Seamus had a look on his face that Lara read as disapproval. Lara finally broke the silence. "You don't think too highly of Eric Henderson, do you?" Seamus turned his dark eyes to hers, "You're right about that, my darlin'…" Lara knew he'd say no more about the subject. Instead they talked about Ireland. After gra
duating from Babson, Seamus returned to Ireland and grew a thriving financial business there. He held the number two seat on the Irish stock exchange and operated a thriving hedge fund.

  ~ Ben ~

  Ben was in high spirits to have Moshe with him for a few days and was eager to go over potential mission details with him privately. The two men constantly communicated on-line within the confines of their Dark Horse game site. Everything was done encrypted in private chats. Moshe rode in the front with Ben and they discussed business. The drive was broken into two segments and Ben insisted on stopping in Portland to pick up Einstein. It was just after Noon as they drove into Professor Harris' driveway to pick up the happy English Bull Terrier. Einstein sat between Lara and Rachel in the backseat and snored for a good part of the drive.

  The first four hours seemed to fly by as they chatted and caught up on family affairs. Moshe and Rachel talked about their three children and how they'd grown. Ben could hear Rachel speaking in the backseat, "The early years with the children flew by quickly. Savor that time, Lara. Make the most of it. It's the best time of your life." Ben eavesdropped on Rachel and Lara's conversation while he maintained his chat with Moshe. He heard the women talking about raising children and other domestic items. For a moment Ben swallowed hard wondering if Lara hadn't told him something.

  Pausing at a small town diner for something to eat, Ben realized he was only a short distance away from the black site near Mud pond Ridge in the Allagash wilderness. He figured it was probably sixty miles from where they were, as the crow flies. Moshe knew about the place, but Lara did not. He would tell her when the time was right. The rest of the drive was done with Lara at the wheel and Rachel in front with her. Einstein was now between the two men in the back seat and happy to see Ben. Einstein kept trying to kiss him and Ben kept him quiet by rubbing his ears.

  Ben was eager to give Moshe his full attention. Moshe had intel on the Islam-berg compound that Ben was planning to infiltrate in the next few weeks. There was an insider that had been cultivated and he would be of tremendous help for the mission. Habib Mahdi was a Palestinian Muslim at one point in his life but converted to Judaism. Moshe had known him for six years and worked with him before on sensitive missions. Habib was fluent in Arabic, Pashto, and Hebrew, as well as several other dialects. Habib Mahdi was intimately familiar with the customs within the compound as he had been living there for over a year. His wife and three children had been killed by a suicide bomber by Hamas soldiers and instead of turning to hatred, Habib decided to choose a different way of life. Habib lived in a Palestinian border town and frequently crossed over to Israel for work. Habib lived alone after the brutal massacre of his family. Moshe met him through a connection he had at the company where Habib worked. Moshe befriended him and assisted in his religious conversion. After utilizing Habib for several critical intel and recon missions, Moshe planted him in Springfield to gather specifics regarding an Israeli attack the Springfield terrorist group was planning. Ben saw this as a harbinger of good luck. An insider who could help him obtain weapons and gain trust was always good. Habib would be his ticket to a successful mission.

  ~ Lara ~

  Crossing over the bridge from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island, Ben told Lara to take a left which took them in a westerly direction along the coast. "Are we there yet?" Lara asked jokingly but exhausted. They had left at 10 AM from Massachusetts and now it was 10 PM and very dark. Stopping along the way and hitting sluggish traffic slowed them a little. But now the road was clear and the island was getting ready to go to sleep. Gliding along the coastal route, Ben told her to slow down and pull onto a gravel road. They drove for a few miles and the shingle style cottage came into view. Even in the moonlight Lara thought it looked magnificent.

  The four of them got out of the Cadillac at once and stretched. Einstein welcomed the chance to run around and bark. The porch light was on in the cottage. Ben explained, "I have wonderful caretakers, an older couple, John and Yvonne Miller, who rent the place for a bargain rate while I'm not using it. They left a note on the door for us." The note explained everything. The refrigerator was packed with the grocery list Ben had sent to them via email, fresh Peonies greeted Lara in the bedroom, and fresh roses on the kitchen table. There was plenty of cold ginger ale and root beer stocked in the wine fridge along with some fine French wines. The place was immaculate. Lara sensed that Yvonne had cleaned it from top to bottom. The bed linens smelled fresh and clean.

  Lara noticed that Einstein remembered the place. It was where he spent his first two years with Ben off and on as he started Dark Horse Guardians. The canine sniffed vigorously for a few minutes and scampered through the door. His dog bowls and food were there on the kitchen floor in the usual place. The two couples made a salad and drank ginger ale. There were a few bottles of wine in the fridge, as well, and Rachel and Moshe polished off one. "It's so quiet here," Moshe exclaimed. Rachel asked, "Where are all the people?" Lara could tell by Ben's answer that he loved this place. He knew it like the back of his hand. "There are about 145,000 people living on the island, so there's everything here you could need. But it has a small town feel. And it's a great place to decompress." Lara said, "I love the quiet. In fact, I'm ready to fall asleep, I'm exhausted." At that, the four of them retired to their respective bedrooms. Almost asleep, Lara heard Ben rummaging around in the Cadillac and then heard him go down to the root cellar of the bungalow. She thought she could hear a tumbler in a lock click just before Ben silently slid into bed next to her.

  The sound of the surf crashing on the beach lulled them to sleep. Einstein snored in his dog bed in the kitchen. The next morning Lara awakened to the sound of soft voices and the tantalizing smell of bacon frying. She quietly slipped into the shower and washed from head to toe. As she dried off she examined her face in the mirror and was amazed she had slept so late. With a keen architectural eye, she marveled at the quaint features of the bathroom. The fresh white paint, the old wainscoting and the vintage black and white tile added to the charm as did the antique mirror and light fixtures. After she combed her damp hair she brushed her teeth and applied a pink shimmery lipstick. Dressed in shorts and a purple T-shirt -- minus a bra -- she applied the Blackberry vanilla scent that Ben loved. Trying not to be obvious, she padded barefoot into the vintage kitchen wearing a smile, "Good morning!" Ben and Moshe were deep in conversation and Rachel was doing a crossword puzzle in an overstuffed chair nearby.

  Einstein was wiggling at her feet begging to be noticed. Immediately, Ben was at her side kissing her lightly on the lips. "Oh darlin' you smell good…" Lara noticed Moshe's genuine delight as he observed the domestic scene. "Ben, I never thought I'd see you settle down. This is good. I'm happy for you. Although, I pity Lara and what she has to put up with…" His good-natured teasing tempted Ben to zing him back. And so it went. But the seemingly mindless banter gave Lara more insight into Ben. She learned that he had been with many women in the decade that Moshe knew him. But, she got the impression that Ben was a catch and release kind of guy and moved on quickly. She wondered if she was the first woman he had caught and wanted to keep. She was beginning to think she could possibly be the first woman Ben had ever fallen in love with.

  Lara enjoyed one of Ben's finest breakfasts: French toast with local maple syrup, crisp bacon and Hazelnut coffee made just the way she liked it. The four of them discussed what to do for the day and decided to have Ben give them an island tour. Prince Edward Island was one of Canada's four Atlantic Provinces and the smallest in both area and population. Crescent-shaped, the island ranged from three to thirty-nine miles wide at some places and was 139 miles in length. Dotted with small lakes and rivers, the rich soil and temperate climate created a perfect farming environment. Half of the island was cultivated farmland, hence the nickname, "the Garden Province." Ben took them on a picturesque ride as they viewed red sand beaches and miles of potato fields. There were vast sand dunes and nearly 500 miles of pristine beaches.

  As the
y pulled into the capital city of Charlottetown, Ben stopped in front of his favorite lunch spot and they sat outside at the café and were served a delicious lunch. It was a casual place and matched Ben's laid back personality. The waitress was friendly and after eating they strolled along the main street as they visited each little shop. By the end of the day they were exhausted and cooked on the grill at the cottage.

  Ben played fetch with Einstein on the beach. Lara went into the kitchen to get the steak sauce and a bottle of wine for Moshe. As she turned around Ben startled her. He pulled her into his chest and surprised her by kissing her passionately in the kitchen. He whispered in her ear, "Do you remember I told you I had a dream one time about you standing right here in this kitchen drinking coffee, wearing shorts while Einstein was playing on the beach?" Lara remembered. In fact, he was sitting in his campus office when he said those very words to her early in their relationship. He caressed her neck softly, "Maybe I'm psychic…" Lara giggled as his beard tickled her neck.

  At that moment, Moshe stepped into the kitchen and Lara knew he heard her laughing. Pretending to yell to Rachel, Moshe was dramatic, "Oh no, they're kissing again Rachel…this is really serious!" Then Moshe turned to Ben and slapped his rear end, "Good Lord, man, leave her alone for five minutes!" Ben and Lara brought the needed items to the beach table and proceeded to eat dinner. Lara was awash with emotion. She was thrilled to be at the island cottage with Ben and happy to spend time with his best friends. Even Einstein gave her great joy. In his sweet English Bull Terrier way, he poked her with his cold wet nose as if to say, "I'm here, you can rub my ears…and throw that tennis ball."