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Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two Page 17

  The entire day was spent outside enjoying the beauty of Prince Edward Island. The sunset was stunning. The light from the setting sun reflected upon the red sand making it appear as if they were on Mars. "It's time for a swim!" Ben proclaimed with enthusiasm. He ran inside and came out with his swim trunks on and dove into the water. Lara was glad he remembered to wear a swimsuit. Moshe, Rachel and Lara followed Ben's lead. The water was frigid but a welcome relief from the heat of the day. They pulled themselves out of the water after a long bout of vigorous swimming and splashing and finally reclined their weary bodies in comfortable lounge chairs. Moshe lit a cigar. They sat silently watching the surf crashing on the shore as the sun silently slipped beneath the blue horizon and the full moon appeared. Exhausted, Einstein was snoring at Ben's feet.

  Two days later, Ben drove Moshe and Rachel to Nova Scotia for a connecting flight home. Lara felt a strong kinship with the couple. She was certain that Moshe looked over Ben's shoulder in the way a big brother would. Meanwhile, she noticed Ben on his secure satellite phone several times when he thought she wasn't looking. He would be infiltrating the compound in Massachusetts soon and she could not dismiss the frightening thoughts that kept invading her head. What if something went wrong? What if he was hurt? So many horrible possibilities flashed through her mind all at once. She made every effort to push the horrible images away. Lara wanted to savor the hours she had remaining on the island with Ben. There would be plenty of time to worry once he was gone.

  ~ Ben ~

  William arrived via car service to the island cottage right on schedule. Ben smiled as Lara greeted his son with open arms and Einstein wagged his tail, thrilled to have another person to shower him with attention. Ben had just returned from dropping off Rachel and Moshe. He started by shaking William's hand but ended up warmly embracing his nine year old son with a bear hug that lifted him off the ground. Ben offered a quick tour, “Come on, Will, I’ll show you around. There’s not much to see, but it is comfortable and quiet.” Lara stated, “I have some things in the kitchen to finish up…” Einstein padded along behind the two as Ben gave his young son the nickel tour. “Here’s your bedroom, Will. I hope you like it.” Observing his young son’s blue eyes light up, Ben sensed he was pleased. “This is great, Dad. It’s just like summer camp!”

  William was an old soul in Ben's estimation. He'd seen and lived through things that no nine-year-old boy should have. He'd watched his mother's battle with anorexia and bulimia and worried about her possible death. William had lived away from his family since the age of five. His mother insisted on the finest boarding school, but in Ben's opinion that was no substitute for a loving family. In spite of all he had experienced, William seemed firmly grounded. Ben invited him for a run on the beach and they took Einstein with them for a five mile jaunt. William was more talkative than ever, "Wow, Dad, this place is primitive but I like it. It reminds me of Walden Pond, you know, Thoreau's place?" Ben smiled, "Yes, it is like that, except instead of being in the woods, it’s on the beach. But, it's the same concept."

  ~ William ~

  William was running and trying to think of what to say at the same time. He hardly knew his father, but wanted so much to understand him and the life he had chosen. Being outside on the beach on a beautiful island was a treat for him. He couldn't believe he was there, with his dad. William wondered if Ben was always in a good mood or did he have bouts of gloominess? Was he a man who was gregarious and outgoing or was he shy and introverted? He was fascinated with his father's military career yet nervous to bring up the subject for fear it may be too sensitive a subject to discuss.

  Returning from the run, William sat on the porch overlooking the beach with his father. Saying the word "dad" was foreign to him. He had lived all of his life with a vision of what his father might be, never knowing the real man. Forging ahead with innocence and honesty, William asked Ben the most pointed question: "Dad, why did you become a Navy SEAL?" He saw the change in his father's face when he asked it and watched him take a deep breath as if he were about to dive underwater. "Well, it's like this. I had planned to go into the financial business. I used to hang out with my brother, Patrick, in New York City on Wall Street. He worked for one of the most prestigious brokerage firms in New York. On 9/11, when the terrorists attacked New York City, one of the airplanes crashed into Patrick's office and he was killed. At that moment, I knew I had to do something about it. I ended up at the U.S. Naval Academy and immediately went into SEAL training upon graduation from the Academy. There was something inside of me that told me I had to do this. It was as if I could not stop myself."

  William could not imagine having an older brother or what it must have felt like to lose him that way. Thus far, William had not experienced the death of anyone close, although he constantly worried his mother might die as anorexia ravaged her body. As his father explained what it was like to be a Navy SEAL, William listened with rapt attention. His father's explanation of BUD/S training, hell week, then special warfare training, and finally his first deployment in Iraq, was the most amazing biography he had ever heard. "Tell me more…" William encouraged him. Little by little, his father told him about the men he fought beside, the ones who saved his life more than once. When his father spoke about Javier and Sam and Moshe, William thought he saw tears forming in his father's eyes, but he wasn't sure. He wondered if his father was even capable of crying. He seemed like a tough guy inside and out.

  ~ Ben ~

  He had never planned to tell William all that he had. After talking for almost two hours, he felt slightly embarrassed and didn't want his son to think he was bragging. It was difficult to put into words why he continued the fight the way he did. It wasn't because he cared what others thought of him – it was what he thought of himself that mattered. He didn't want William to think he was some kind of war hero. He was only a man struggling with the principles of right and wrong. Good versus evil. Ben wanted his son to know it wasn't just him putting his life on the line. There were hundreds of thousands of men and women everyday pushing forward, taking orders, part of a well-oiled machine called the U.S. Military. They needed one another, depended upon one another, and loved one another in a way that was difficult to describe. And, there was the history and tradition. It was hard to explain, but he tried. Ben watched his son's eyes wide with wonder and realized it was the first time he had spoken man-to-man like this with William.

  It was moments like this that challenged all that Ben held to be true. But he wasn’t one to shy away from introspection. Validating his beliefs and renewing his own private pledge to live his life according to his values was something he did frequently. But he had never performed this evaluation with his son. These conversations were usually held with his SEAL brothers or very close operatives, like Moshe. Ben knew how unorthodox his life was and to discuss it in detail with a normal person would be akin to explaining the secrets of the universe…his universe, to be exact. And, unless a person had experienced what he had, it would be unrealistic to expect their complete understanding. Lara was one of the few people he had ever met, other than a SEAL or another combat veteran, who understood him. He thanked God for bringing her into his life. She was a shining beacon in his dark world.

  ~ Lara ~

  Lara gave Ben and William plenty of time to be alone. She walked along the beach and collected shells and sea glass as she marveled at the remarkable beauty of the place. Prince Edward Island was soothing to her soul and she did not want to leave. She made a promise to herself to come there every summer with Ben. He seemed so happy in this remote rustic location. Lara could tell it was special to him somehow. He was relaxed and the hyper-vigilance seemed to disappear. The Ben she saw the past few days on the island was relaxed, humorous, rested, and happy. It was perfect timing for him to be with his son.

  Sienna only allowed William to stay for one night and the car service would take him home. That would give Lara two days alone with Ben before driving back to their crazy busy li
ves. She looked forward to being alone with him and doing simple things like swimming or reading. Lara explored the cottage which, in her opinion, was a work of art. She relished the time alone and examined every miniscule detail about it. Originally built in 1940, it retained all of the original features with very few changes. The kitchen had the original cabinetry and it was beautifully handcrafted with dove-tailed details. There was a huge slate sink and sideboard. An antique wood-fired cook stove, expertly restored, took up one whole wall in the kitchen. The floors were smooth old pine stained a honey color. The walls were tongue-in-groove pine painted white. In fact, the whole cottage was white... The windows and doors were original and the outside was covered with cedar shakes that had been recently replaced. All of the furnishings were down-filled and comfortable with sensible slipcovers. A lovely original fireplace graced one wall in the parlor. There was no formal dining room. But there was an eat-in kitchen complete with a breakfast nook that overlooked the breathtaking view of ocean and beach. The beachside had a rustic open porch with comfortable furnishings on it. Lara hung out there reading while waiting for Ben and William to return from their run. She imagined what the conversation between father and son might be – William would be curious, no doubt. She hoped Ben would be comfortable enough to answer his innocent questions.

  ~ Ben ~

  Ben was excited to have William at the cottage for dinner and had not spent the night with his son since he could remember. Dinner was a casual affair. Ben cooked on the grill and Lara helped make a delicious dessert. Ben noticed how easy the conversation between William and Lara flowed. Because she e-mailed him and stayed in contact, it seemed they just picked up where they left off. Lara knew details about Ben's son that he didn't even know. How did this happen? He was grateful that William felt so comfortable in Lara's presence. The young boy talked openly with her and, while cooking, Ben soaked in everything William said. They made a fire on the beach and roasted marshmallows with graham crackers, layered with Hershey's chocolate. Ben silently vowed to contact William more frequently to follow Lara's lead. He chastised himself for being able to ferret out an enemy in a foreign country, but he couldn't find a way to get close to his own son; he detected a sad irony in that.

  The next morning the car service arrived and swept William away to the train and the long ride home. But William seemed happy. The young boy smiled and hugged Ben, “I’ve had a wonderful time with you, Dad, and with Lara.” William even called him dad. Ben felt strong emotion course through him as he watched the car pull away. He clenched his jaw and fought back the tears that threatened to form in his eyes. He averted his gaze from the receding taillights of the car and focused his attention on Lara. She had tossed the ball into the surf and Einstein was retrieving it. Ben knew this game could go on forever. He joined her until Einstein was exhausted. The weather had been sunny and warm, but dark clouds were arriving from the west and Ben waved Lara inside. She grimaced and complained, "Oh, it would rain now…just when we are alone…" But, Ben, thought he’d make the best of the situation and chuckled, "Oh, darlin'…that's just perfect. We are alone. It's raining. And, we have to stay inside…" He chased Lara around the house and finally caught her in the parlor.

  With strong arms Ben pinned her to the sofa and tickled her with his beard. "Oh God, I'll be glad when that beard is gone!" she laughed. Ben gazed into her beautiful face and felt like the luckiest man in the world. "Well, if you don't like the beard, there are other ways I can touch you…and make you feel good." Holding a bottle of massage oil, Ben slipped Lara's shirt off. He gently began massaging her neck and back with his hands and he felt the tension slip away from her body. “Mmm, that feels so good…” she murmured. He whispered, “Good, I will continue.” And, he slipped her shorts off and feasted his eyes for a moment on her lovely naked body. “Would you like me to do your lower back?” He asked. “Yes, please.” She replied in a relaxed voice. Expertly, Ben applied more oil to his hands and stroked the muscles of her lower back and shapely rear. After twenty minutes, Lara offered to massage him…just what he was hoping for.

  Facing him, she took his shirt off and ran her oiled hands over his muscled chest and biceps pausing to touch the Celtic cross tattoo on his arm. Already, Ben was enjoying this massage, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t last very long. When her eyes met his, he couldn’t resist kissing her and as he did he cupped her perfectly shaped bottom in his broad hands bringing her onto his lap. Lara slowly unbuttoned his fly. He thought the anticipation was going to drive him crazy. Eventually, she slipped his pants down and ran her oiled hands over his legs working her way up to his thighs. He closed his eyes and let himself fall back onto the sofa. He was hers. For the first time, she was exploring him and it was heavenly.

  For Lara to take the initiative with him like this was meaningful. For Ben it implied that she finally felt comfortable enough with him to experiment. It had taken him a long time to gain Lara's trust. He felt she was truly at ease with him now and for the first time she was letting herself live in the moment. He could sense she was nervous and unsure of what to do. But he did not instruct her. It would have ruined the sensual moment for both of them. Instead, Ben remained patient and through half-closed eyes, watched as she explored him instinctively.

  That night at the cottage was beautiful and tender for Ben. He had never enjoyed lovemaking so much. And that was the difference with Lara. It wasn't sex with her, it was lovemaking. Ben was starkly aware of how much he was immersed in loving Lara. He slept like a rock that night. No night terrors, no bad dreams, no hyper-vigilance…just the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, the light rain pattering on the roof, and the soft breathing of Lara in his arms as she slept. He imagined this must be what heaven felt like. He wanted more than anything to take her with him on the mission and stow her away. Being away from her now that he knew what life was like with her became his greatest challenge. He knew she would miss his daily presence in her life. But he also knew she could not imagine the magnitude of the emptiness he would feel being without her for weeks on end. For the first time in his life, Ben dreaded the mission that lay before him. He wished it could be a quick in and out type of thing. But it would be the longest time he had ever been away from her.

  ~ Lara ~

  Two days of unbridled lovemaking was more relaxing than Lara could have imagined. A year ago, if anyone had told her what her life would be like right now, she would have laughed. But finally, she was losing the self-conscious inhibitions that plagued her all of her life. There was no more anxiety or nervousness with Ben. It was as if he could read her mind. Lara didn't want to leave the cottage and drive back to Portland, back to work and appointments and the crazy schedule that Ben kept. But, she also knew they had to return and get back to business. Although, the business of the past two days with Ben was something she much preferred.

  The whole trip to Newton Massachusetts and to Prince Edward Island made her feel closer to Ben. She understood him better, it seemed. There was much more to him than his Navy career. He was a young boy at one time and yes, the Navy shaped him, but there was a man inside the uniform with deep feelings, an amazing sense of humor and incredible intellect. It seemed the more time she spent with Ben the more she fell in love with him. And, she still wanted to ask him about the lovely dark-haired girl in the photograph that he snatched out of her hand in his bedroom. There had to be a story behind that. She decided to ask him on the long drive home.

  With the Cadillac packed they were on the road heading back to Maine. Lara waited about an hour before she popped the question, "Who was the girl in the photograph?" She watched as Ben's demeanor changed and she knew he was searching for the right words. "What girl?" Ben asked giving her a sidelong glance. He was smiling just a little. Lara felt he was teasing her, "Oh, come on, Ben. She had to be someone special. You must have been what – sixteen or seventeen in that photograph? Was she a girlfriend from high school?" His response was elusive, "Her name was Abby. We were close good frien
ds in high school…let's leave it at that." Lara saw the flash in his blue eyes and knew when to quit. Obviously, this was a girl who meant something to him at one time, but he didn't want to talk about it. She understood. There were things that happened to her in her high school years that she wanted to forget about, too. Some skeletons were better left in the closet.

  Lara turned her attention to answering several voice mails during the long ride. Some of the renovation projects needed her attention and she would be busy upon her return. And, she dreaded the fact that Ben would be going away on a six week long mission, and she'd be moving into Clearwater Farm without him being there. But, she knew she had to brace herself for the days and weeks ahead for they would be filled with harried schedules and lots of worrying about Ben.

  ~ Bettencourt ~

  Tired of the constant police protection, Bettencourt lived his life with the expectation that Ali Farouz's henchmen could be around every corner. He had taken the blame, or the credit, for shooting the last two assassins at the hospital. Not much was said, in fact, he was considered a hero. But he was getting tired of looking over his shoulder every minute and wanted to make some changes. Consulting with his cohorts at the station, the officer decided to move to another part of town and bring the elaborate security system Ben helped him install with him. He also switched vehicles and stayed out of public places except when on duty. But he felt he was a wanted man and sensed it was only a matter of time before Ali Farouz sent his goons to pounce upon him again seeking the whereabouts of Nadia.